childrens-clothes near Lago di Piano

Photo: Ktulu

Como is Lake Como's largest city where you will find shopping, works of art, churches, gardens, museums, theatres, parks and palaces. Places to go inlcude the Duomo, the Basilica of Sant'Abbondio, Villa Olmo, the Volta Temple and Museum, the Teatro...

Photo: Gilles Hars

Villa Maresi was built on the ruins of an ancient medieval castle is part of the system of fortifications dating back to the Franco-Hispanic war that ended in 1529....

Photo: Antonia Migliaresi

The family bankers Amsick from Hamburg bought several properties in the enchanting corner of San Giovanni. The project involved demolition of some houses, silk factories, and three villas overlooking a lake. For this reason, in San Giovanni there is...

Adjacent to Park Maier, is this villa built in the mid-nineteenth century for the Milan Bar Emilio Ferrario and Pompey, before moving into the hands of various owners. Initially the villa was surrounded by a large park that later in 1925 was...

Located opposite Comacina island, this villa was once the home to many distinguished individuals including Beccaria Bonesana who built the villa in the 18th century and much later Cesare Cantu, writer, historian and patriot who left it to his...

Nineteenth century villa transformed into a comfortable, charming family-run, with a cozy living rooms in Art Nouveau style with large windows and original period frescoes. The villa, characterized by a central backlog open loggias with three arches...

A wonderful refined property with Lake, Gardens and more. Dating back to the 1750’s and is in fact where the famous Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi stayed and composed ‘La Traviata’. Private residence. The garden, slightly downhill towards the lake,...

Privately owned and protected by a high wall, this villa tempts curious visitors with its elegant garden, thanks to a wide gate, overlooking Via Regina. It is also one of the points of interest along the celebrated Green Way. The villa divides the...

Ever wonder where that stunning backdrop to Daniel Craig's R&R was? The 18th century Villa Balbianello hosted Mr Craig and his Hollywood crew. The mansion sits on a spit of land jutting into the deep green waters of the Lake whose shores are...

A fascinating museum-house of the XIX century that belonged to Enrico Mylius, a German patron and a friend of Goethe and Manzoni, who collected works of important artists. The garden, rich with sculptures and rare plants, gives the opportunity of a...

Restored villa located next to Villa Mylius Vigoni with beautiful grounds and views of the lake. The building is currently used as a conference facility but up to the 19th century it was a silk mill. This property was owned by the family of the...

Located on the western shore of Lake Como, Villa del Balbianello is perched on the point of the Dosso di Lavedo, a wooded promontory that juts out from the coastline to form a small peninsula. Villa del Balbianello is famous for its elaborate...

Photo: Daderot

Villa Carlotta is a unique sanctuary of art and beauty with its magnificent botanical specimens and art masterpieces in over 70,000 square meters of gardens and museum. It is located on the most picturesque part of Lake Como and renown for its...

High on the road is the sanctuary of the Madonna of Peace, erected in 1659 to celebrate the peace of Pirenei, which ended the Thirty Year War between the French and Spaniards. Characteristic is the Romanesque hanging bell (sec. XIII), and in the...

The church of St. George is located in Bellagio, next to City Hall. It is contemporary with the Basilica of St. James, dating back to ' XI - XII century (dated between 1080 and 1120). Originally the apse and altar were facing east; but then moved...

Located in a beautiful natural setting surrounded by quiet woods and stately lime trees, on a plateau halfway up the mountain Pìnzernone. The shrine is dedicated to a young martyr of the fourth century; who is always represented with weapons, in...

Originated in the eleventh century as a building with a single nave, then it changed to three in the following centuries. The church has beautiful statues, decorated with low and high stucco relief and valuable fresco paintings from the 17 and 18th...

This parish church rebuilt between 1725 and 1738, is a remarkable example of Baroque art. Inside, in addition to the frescoes of Luigi Tagliaferro, is a valuable painting of the "Madonna of the Seven Sorrows" and a wooden statue of Lorenzo Matieli...

In the hills of Tremezzo is the town of Rogaro whose old centre consists of 18th century homes grouped around the Baroque church dedicated to Mary. The church houses the famous wooden statue known as the Black Madonna which is said to have been...

Located at the cemetery, along the old path leading to Lanzo, it is among the most significant monuments of Valle Intelvi. The church stands on a site in itself archaeologically interesting: during work to reinforce embankments Roman tombs of...

Photo: Michael Ortelli

We are part of the Anglican Church, belonging to the Diocese in Europe but we welcome all visitors of the Christian faith to our services of Holy Communion. These are held every Sunday at 10.30 am from the beginning of May to the end of October....

The Sacred Mount of Ossuccio is one of the nine sacri monti in the Italian regions of Lombardy and Piedmont which were inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2003. The devotional complex is located on a prealpine crag some 200...

The church stands on the lake but you can also reach it from the antique center via small alleyways and steps. Next to the bell tower the original Romanseque bell tower can still be seen....

Photo: Michael Ortelli

The parish church is located next to the historical centre of the village of Griante. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century on the site of an ancient temple, that was probably consecrated by St. Felice, bishop of Como. The church has a...

The monastery is located about 800 m above sea level, on the southern slope of Mount Galbiga, at the confluence of two tributary valleys of the stream Perlana, from which it takes its name. The place, evocative and isolated, has meant that the...

This building is the parish church of Ossuccio and was built after the church bearing the same name, situated on the Comacina Island. It dates back to the 12th century and during the restoration works of 1959 many parts of the Romanesque building...

This church was built between 1464 and 1474. Its bell tower still preserves pre-existing Romanesque elements. Inside, the church is richly decorated with paintings On the front of the church a large white marble portal shows decorations and symbols...

The church S. Carlo which was built in 1614 on order of Cinzio Calvi so that he and his wife could have their tombs in it. The church has a characteristic Spanish style bell tower a reminder of the period of Spanish domination in the 15-16th...

This church is located in the village Nobiallo just north of Menaggio. The houses are clustered around the church which stands on the Antica Strada Regina, the antique Roman Road that connected Como with Alpine passes. The characteristic leaning...

The church S. Marta is of ancient origins. On the facade you can see the Roman memorial plaque of Minicio Exorato, a notable of the Roman empire; above it the town-arms. Inside the church there are some interesting paintings of the 17th century....

The parish church of S. Stefano is of very ancient origins whose original Roman structures have however been lost; in fact the orientation itself is in the opposite direction of its primitive setting. The church has three naves which, in 1899, were...

Photo: Enrico Colzani

Executed in Baroque style (17th c.), with single nave and wooden altar piece dating back to the 1600's. On the left side is a bell tower containing five bells. Inside is the "Madonna delle Grazie" fresco of the Lombardy school, statue of the...

Photo: Kaitu

The church stands in the beautiful small square of the village Barna. It was built as a Parish church in 1636. The inside presents itself with one nave and three side chapels....

Next to Lenno’s parish church is the baptistery, dating back to the second half of the 11th century and dedicated to St. John the Evangelist. The outside is simple and plain, with a square bell-tower and an apse on the north side. On the left side...

Photo: Michael Ortelli

This Romanesque church with emblematic bell tower was once a lodging for pilgrims making their way to Rome along Lake Como’s western shore. The history of the church has always been bound with contiguous ancient medieval hospice. The single nave...

This little Romanesque church is built directly on the lake and still preserves its original structure. Worth seeing is not only the sail bell tower, but also the several traces of frescoes on the internal and external walls, among which stands out...

The parish church of St. Abbondio rises isolated on the western side of the village of Mezzegra, with its majestic front facing the lake. It was probably founded in the 12th century in Romanesque style, then rebuilt in 1702 by local emigrants and...

The parish church stands in the XI Febbraio square, near the baptistery, overlooking the renowned Venere Gulf, from where you are presented with an enchanting view. The church was built in the 5th or 6th century on the ruins of a watering place,...

Located right on the lake in the village of Tremezzo, the church began construction in 1775 and completed in 1896. The inside of the church was painted by Luigi Tagliaferri, who did all the paintings of the chorus and of the vault. The walls were...

Photo: Laurom

This sanctuary is part of a series of shrines along a one kilometer cobble stoned walkway. The shrines depict scenes of the Madonna’s and Christ’s life and are represented by frescos and natural size statues made of stucco and terracotta. The...

Located in the upper part of the village of Lenno. Once it was called monastery of Roncate after the name of the hamlet where it was built, but later it became the “Abbazia dell’Acquafredda" (the ‘Freshwater abbey’), because of a fresh source near...

Photo: Michael Ortelli

A perfect morning or afternoon hike with stunning views of Lake Como. San Martino is Lake Como’s most famous mountain church perched on a top a cliff above the town of Griante. Its official name is "Santuario Della Madonna delle Grazie di San...

An ancient palace of the seventeenth century. It belonged to one of the most influential families of Lake Como, the Brentano, who later moved to Milan and then to Germany. It is currently used in part as a city hall where the renown painter Giulio...

Photo: Roland1949

Trapezoidal shaped castle with three towers built by counts Della Torre of Rezzonico in 1363. It is described as a "castle-fence", fortifying an area of two thousand square meters which surrounded the town and the main tower. Today the castle is...

Ancient and modern printing, from mobile characters to computers is the theme of this museum. Here one can see antique-type lithographic presses, machines for the casting of the lead characters, the first cameras dating back from the end of...

Gallery space that promotes various forms of art to ordinary people, trying to combine accessibility and quality, local and universal dimension, past and present. If we want people to love culture we have to give them a reason to love it. During the...

Thanks to Giambattista Sommariva the villa reached its greatest glory in the 18th century, being enriched by art masterpieces and becoming a museum. Sommariva was an art collector and bought the estate at the beginning of the century; he enhanced...

The Museum holds records of the local history, traditions and customs. Several natural environments are recreated complete with plants, animals, mushrooms fossils and dioramas relating to the local fauna. The museum also has documents about the...

Photo: By Carloalberto2014

Parco Mayer is located at the village of Tremezzo, large and full of history hosts the swimmers among the trees, there is a bar, a pebble beach and a beach volleyball court. During the summer period is also home to several events organized by the...

Photo: Wolfgang Sauber

Come and see the Italian garden that dates back to the XVII Century with its geometrical schema, stair and terraces, statues and fountains; feel the echoes of the Romantic period, still alive in the structure of the park with old trees of big size...

The splendid Parco Val Sanagra is a large territory rich with flora, fauna, and interesting antique rural settlements. In 2005, the unspoiled Sanagra Valley, situated in the commune of Grandola ed Uniti and Menaggio, was declared a local Park, in...

Photo: By Carloalberto2014

The Teresio Olivelli municipal park, formerly Giardino Meier, may be one of the best kept secrets among Tremezzo's botanical and architectural gems. Owned by the municipality of Tremezzo since 1979, it is between the lake and the Regina state road,...

Park situated on the tip of the Bellagio peninsula, about a 10 min walk uphill from the ferry terminal. It provides for breath taking views of the lake where lagi di como and lago di lecco meet. This is a great spot to just take it all in....

Monument dedicated to the weaver of Francesco Somaini, where on the banks of the river Senagra, had one of its oldest and most prestigious silk factories. In the marble top is a negative image of a weaver, while below is fabric draping to the ground....

Photo: Johnnyb11

Here, a black cross marks the spot where Benito Mussolini was shot and killed (along with his lover Claretta Petacci) by partisans, marking the last stand of the Fascist dictator's rule over Italy. Actually, he wasn't really the ruler of Italy at...

Photo: Nicolago

Not far from the shore, in front of the town Ossuccio, lies Comacina Island, the only Island in lake Como with its little white church dedicated to S. Giovanni. The island is also home to roman ruins, nature hikes and a well known restaurant:...

Destination of natural beauty including the Val Senagra Oasis, waterfall and Rogolone, one of the oldest oak trees in Europe. Here you can also visit S. Maria del Tiglio, one of the most important Romanesque buildings of the province....

This little village, which lies on the western shore of Lake Como, at the foot of Monte Costone, is one of the most distinctive places on the lake. In the last century Sala Comacina was already considered an important holiday destination, as is...

Photo: Michael Ortelli

Located in the 'center' of the lake, facing the Bellagio promontory, some 30 kilometers north of Como. It has been visited by many historical celebrities including Verdi, who wrote part of his famous La Traviata opera here. It continues to be a...

Ossuccio is a small town home to less than 1000 people. It looks onto Lake Como’s only island Comancina while inshore the hills quickly ascend into mountains. The town is most known for its UNESCO Heritage Site, the Sacro Monte—a place of pilgrimage...

Lenno lies roughly at midpoint of Lake Como’s western shore. Its most popular attraction is Villa Balbianello, an ivy covered building that was the setting for a number of Hollywood blockbusters including Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Casino...

Its central location makes Menaggio an excellent place to base yourself. The town is characterized by a quaint piazza by the lake with restaurants, cafe's, shops, and a flowered lake side promenade. It’s perfect for an evening stroll. Enjoy one of...

Cadenabbia is a favorite spring and autumn resort, owing to the great beauty of the scenery, vegetation, and its sheltered location. It also serves as a popular health resort and a holiday place for travelers. The town was founded by the Celts about...

Photo: Michael Ortelli

Known as the Pearl of the lake due to its position on the tip of a peninsula, Bellagio is characterized by porticos, cobbled stepped streets, narrow alleyways, and shops selling local handicrafts, and the numerous bars and restaurants it is by far...

Tremezzo is centrally located on lake. Base yourself there and you will have quick access to the ferries and some of the most prestigious accommodation that Lake Como has to offer. Tremezzo, and its nearby town Cadenabbia, give you Lake Como's most...

P & L WEAR AND RENTAL is a small shop of rental / sale bike and clothing based in Domaso (Lake Como) along the main road and near Villa Camilla (Town Hall). It is a bike friendly structure and offers city bikes for everyone, child seats, carts,...

A great little activity to provide some distraction to kids who may be all “villa’d" out or just need some chill time. Conveniently located close to Lido di Menaggio near the lake....

A cradle of Italian beauty. A corner reminiscent of Britain overlooking Lake Como. A natural course with old world appeal. A heritage of golfing culture. The Menaggio & Cadenabbia Golf Club encompasses all of the above. Visitors are welcome...

Photo: Filippo Venini

Spectacular views of Lake Como reward your hike to Pilone and Sasso San Martino, the mountain that is directly above the town of Griante. This is an easy to moderate hike. It takes about 1.5 to 2.5 hours to walk to Pilone, and another 45 minutes to...

This cave is located above Tremezzo lasting a little less than half a day and is one of the easiest ones to undertake. The entrance of the cave is reached after 50 minutes of walking while the entire cave (400 meters) takes about 2 hours to...

Photo: Filippo Venini

Crocione in Italian means large cross, and that is what adorns the top of Monte Crocione, a 1641 metre peak directly above the town of Griante. From here you will experience breathtaking views of Lake Como, and the Swiss and Italian Alps....

A gentle hike to the small chapel of San Domenico (800m) which rewards you with a spectacular view of Lake Como and the surrounding mountains....

Il Rogolone is one of the biggest oak trees in Europe. It stands in a clearing in the woods near Velzo. The tree is almost 300 years old is 25 m high and its trunk has a circumference of 790 cm. Il Rogolone can be reached over an easy path either...

Photo: Michael Ortelli

A spectacular balcony over Lake Como, this hike will reward you with some of the most breath taking views of the lake. Monte Bregagno can be reached by first going to the town of Breglia by car or by bus. From there you can hike to Rifugio Menaggio,...

The Greenway" is a leisurely and pleasant walk between Colonno and Cadenabbia following traces of the Antica Strada Regina, the antique connection road was built by the Romans. This 10 km long itinerary leads through ancient villages with wonderful...

Photo: Aconcagua

Situated above the town of Menaggio; from Rifugio Menaggio you can reach the top of Monte Grona (1736 m) from where one can admire one of the best views of the Pre-Alps; if the day is clear enough, many peaks of the Alps from Monviso to Bernina....

Casa Brenna Tosatto is in Campo di Lenno, situated on the western branch of the Lake Como, an area which offers wonderful natural landscapes and rare examples of architectural and artistic history. Here you can learn the art of water colour painting...

Casa Brenna Tosatto is in Campo di Lenno, situated on the western branch of the Lake Como, an area which offers wonderful natural landscapes and rare examples of architectural and artistic history. Here you can learn the art of cooking with...

Because the journey to a more holistic approach to health is such a personal one, we at the Parco San Marco believe that each person’s requirements along the way will be as individual as they are. Thus our well-being philosophy focuses specifically...

The Beauty Farm at the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni is housed in the historic villa of the Grand Hotel, beside the indoor pool. The 300 square metres offer a true oasis of tranquillity in the hands of experts who can advise on the massage or...

At T Spa – super-stylish for its design and materials, with spectacular panoramic views over the Lake. Admission and treatments are reserved for the Hotel's Guests only. The ultimate blend of care, professionalism and harmony. T Spa at Grand Hotel...

The Lido di Menaggio’s position right on the lake is one of the best in the area and includes two swimming pools, (adult and toddler) a sandy beach, three restaurants, its own brewery, kids activities and volley ball. Ample parking available. Go to...

Hire a motorboat, drive it and enjoy a sightseeing tour to Bellagio and Varenna, see Lecco’s lake leg, the magnificent Villa Melzi, the Rockefeller Foundation, Villa Monastero, the “007’s Casino Royale" Villas La Gaeta and Balbianello, see Villa...

Rental of motor boats with licence (a 260hp for a maximum of 7 people) or without licence (a selection of Marinello 40hp boats for a maximum of 6 or 7 people). Each boat is delivered observing all safety parameters related to navigation (our staff...

The park of "Ospedaletto" is one of the most popular meadows during the summer season, access is free. The field is located near the ancient church tower of St. Maria Maddalena, there is a car park just above the lawn, a parking garage and going up...

We are in Menaggio – Lake Como at the floating dock on the lakefront. At request we also deliver our motorboats in Bellagio, Varenna, Tremezzo, Cadenabbia and San Siro. No need for a license to rent your own boat and see Lake Como from the water....

Lido di Lenno features a modern and well equipped beach service. Direct contact with the golden sand gives the guest total well-being and a sweet sensation of stillness. Gazebos, beach umbrellas, sun beds and canopy beds are available for...

Beach club, restaurant, pool and tour services all available at this one of the more popular “Lidos" on Lake Como. Treat yourself to some sun and a long drink under an umbrella. The Lido di Cadenabbia offers tourists the opportunity to enjoy a range...

A 10.5 meter, four sided climbing wall with about thirty routes ranging in difficulty from grade 3 to 7b +! The property is accessible depending on weather conditions, from March to September. Summer evenings are open to the public in the presence...

Rock face overlooking a foot/bicycle path with stunning views of the lake. Total height is 200m with difficulty ranging from 4a/8a+. Follow the signs until you reach the center of Menaggio, then go past it. Just before the tunnel, there is...

Easy level canyoning located the valley between Ossuccio and Lenno (requires about 45 minutes of approach). The most distinctive feature of this canyon is the transition in a completely dark cave, various dips and a beautiful toboggan runs complete...

Lake como transfers provides luxury transportation, limo service, private transfers, tailor made excursions and concierge services on Lake Como. If you are arriving on Lake Como for Leisure, Business or a Wedding, wouldn’t you feel special,...

Want to experience fishing on Lake Como first hand? Would you like to learn how the lake’s bounty is harvested, processed, cooked and served at its freshest? Join Alessandro Sala, a professional fisherman for a real life experience of going out and...

Located just above Menaggio, is definitely that place that you can define as a balcony on the lake. After a relaxing hike we will get to a nice hut for a coffe, then in a while to the foot of our climb. It is usually a 2-3 hours climb, but we could...

Tour one of Europe’s jewels in a custom-made Italian boat. Our third-generation Bellagio business has a boutique fleet of stunning boats, intimate knowledge of the lake and fluent English drivers. Based in Bellagio, let our upmarket services help...

A small boutique, where a smile and courtesy will accompany you in choosing just the right item for your child. In the heart of the historical center of Como, rediscover the pleasure of buying from a small boutique, where a smile and courtesy will...

Specializing in children’s and baby clothing, toys, decorations and accessories....

Agrati Junior, is aimed at an altogether younger set, retailing designer childrenswear including Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Burberry, Tommy Hilfiger, Moncler, Monnalisa, Add, Diadora, Le Crownine and Tiger. An iconic fixture of the picture-perfect...

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