• Villa Mylius Vigoni
  • Villa Mylius Vigoni
  • Villa Mylius Vigoni

Villa Mylius Vigoni Menaggio

A fascinating museum-house of the XIX century that belonged to Enrico Mylius, a German patron and a friend of Goethe and Manzoni, who collected works of important artists. The garden, rich with sculptures and rare plants, gives the opportunity of a tour between nature, art and literature. Located in Loveno, (a hamlet of Menaggio) the villa is a 19th century dwelling which affords some of the finest views of Lake Como. The park which surrounds the villa extends like a horseshoe over 8 hectares (20 acres) and represents one of the finest examples of romantic gardens to be found in Lombardy.

Villa Mylius Vigoni: Unique Location

Villa Vigoni is a bilateral association, which was founded by the German Federal Republic and the Italian Republic. Its aim is to foster the relationship between Italy and Germany in the fields of scientific research, higher education and culture. Villa Vigoni fosters the Italian-German dialogue and opens this bilateral dimension towards a European and international dimension.

The historical park and the Villa Mylius-Vigoni are open to all interested persons in the context of regular guided tours. Opening times: every Thursday on request; Entrance fee: adults park € 8,00, park and villa € 10,00; schools € 3,00

A wonderful Romantic garden surrounds the Villa Mylius Vigoni. The area covers about 5 hectares and incorporates a height difference of 100m.

The park was designed between 1855 and 1865 by the architect Giuseppe Balzaretti. It offers splendid panoramic views which artfully exploit the height scaling of the Lake Como landscape.

Strolling along its paths, visitors can admire centuries-old trees, the ancient beauty of marble sculptures and the harmony of the floral colour compositions in the transitions of light and shadow.

In remembrance of his son Julius, who died young, Mylius had a little neo-classical temple erected in a central position, designed by the architect Gaetano Besia. Alessandro Manzoni collaborated in the writing of the text for the external memorial plaque. In the inside, two marble bas-reliefs complete the building: Death of Julius by Pompeo Marchesi and Nemesis by Bertel Thorvaldsen.

The entire property comprehends about 40 hectares and also comprises woods, grasslands and more than 20 agricultural cottages, like stables, fowling buildings and haystacks. The wood beyond the park had been used by Ignazio Vigoni for activities related to forestry; today it offers resources for the production of regenerative energy.

Villa Mylius Vigoni
Via Giulio Vigoni, 1, Italy CO 22017
+39 0344 361 232