Ethnographic Museum of Moggio -
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio -
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio -
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio -
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio -
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio -
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio -
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio
Ethnographic Museum of Moggio Moggio Like
The House Museum of Moggio was commissioned in 1991 by Maria Goretti who, donated the property to the parish with the stipulation that it be used to benefit the community. The Museum includes historical objects, old photographs, fossils and minerals of the area. The overreaching theme is that with humble things you can acquire intellectual wealth. The first floor is objects of old trades, the reconstruction of the local cuisine and furniture. While the second floor is a collection of historical religious vestments.
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["From motorcycles to silk","bicycles to toy horses or mines to palaces","Lake Como's museums offer something for everyone."]