Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers -
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers
Cristiano Ostinelli Wedding Photographers Como Like
Cristiano Ostinelli is an italian destination award winning wedding photographer, based in Lake Como Italy, the studio operates all over the world , Tuscany, Venice, Amalfi Coast. His shoots of exclusive weddings all over the world distinguish for a photojournalistic style mixed with a unique , intimate creative portrait technique. Awarded ISPWP wedding photographer of the year 2013 WPJA and 2014 WPS, Cristiano Ostinelli is regarded as one of the best Italian and international wedding photographers. Christian and his photographers capture the reality, with an eye and a feeling that their every photographer should have. One click full of life, emotion, style. Attention to detail, full attention to what is around, the continuous quest for perfect photo, make that image gifts emotion to the viewer
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